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X Launcher

8 reviews
93.1 k downloads

Give your Android device the iOS operating system look and feel

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X Launcher is, as its name suggests, a very interesting launcher with which you can give your Android device the characteristic iOS 13 operating system aspect. This will be a perfect opportunity if you want to change your device's appearance and operation completely.

The procedure to be followed to apply X Launcher on your smartphone is characteristic and well-known in applications with the same purpose. After installing it, you should select it as the main launcher. The design will then change in a matter of seconds.

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The look and feel of X Launcher is simple, elegant, and modern. It will remind devices with the iOS 13 operating system –as sliding down, you will enter the control center, where you can configure the wifi, network, brightness, and volume, and even take pictures quickly. As is characteristic of these devices, you will find the application manager by swiping up. If you swipe to the left on the desktop, you can check the weather and climate, as well as search for applications. In turn, all application icons will be rounded, and Google Chrome will change to Safari.

X Launcher is an elegant and minimalist launcher that will give your smartphone the characteristic look of devices with the iOS 13 operating system.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Information about X Launcher 3.2.12

Package Name com.ioslauncher.free2
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Launchers
Language English
72 more
Author Launcher Developer
Downloads 93,095
Date May 17, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
Remove ads and more with Turbo

Older versions

apk 3.2.11 Android + 5.0 Aug 30, 2023
apk 3.2.10 Android + 5.0 Dec 2, 2022
apk 3.2.9 Android + 5.0 Aug 30, 2022
apk 3.2.8 Android + 5.0 Jun 19, 2022
apk 3.2.7 Android + 5.0 Apr 9, 2022
apk 3.2.6 Android + 5.0 Jan 1, 2022

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